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The explanations and information provided on this page are only general and high-level explanations and information on how to write your own document of Terms & Conditions. You should not rely on this article as legal advice or as recommendations regarding what you should actually do, because we cannot know in advance what are the specific terms you wish to establish between your business and your customers and visitors. We recommend that you seek legal advice to help you understand and to assist you in the creation of your own Terms & Conditions.


All appointments at Native Skin Aesthetics require payment of a $50 deposit at the time of booking. The deposit is held on your account to secure your booking and is redeemable off cosmetic treatments if appropriate post initial consultation.


Please note if you cancel/reschedule within 48 hours of your appointment time, or fail to show up for any reason, a $50 fee will be imposed.


Our doctors complete a full assessment to administer treatments safely, however there are risks and side effects associated with some cosmetic treatments. These will be discussed with you in full and a signed consent form will be required prior to treatment. If you experience any side effects it is important to notify your treating doctor as soon as possible so they can manage it appropriately. Allergic reactions are extremely rare. If you experience any of these symptoms post treatment, please call 000 immediately or present to your nearest emergency department: 1. Facial swelling that is spreading to other areas of your face, neck or chest 2. Swollen, tingling or itchy lips, tongue or throat 3. Trouble breathing 4. A hive-like, itchy rash that is spreading to other parts of your body 5. Nausea, stomach cramps or feeling faint/unwell/chest pain 6. you are otherwise concerned.

It is the patient’s responsibility to inform Native Skin Aesthetics if there are any changes to their allergies, medical history (such as pregnancy, breast feeding, cold sores) or current medications.

Every patient will require clinical photography prior to & after any cosmetic treatments for medicolegal purposes. We will never share or publish these images without a written consent form from the patient.  

Patients must understand that no one has a symmetric face and the outcome of cosmetic procedures is variable and everybody reacts differently to treatment. No one has a symmetric face. Natural facial asymmetry varies among individuals. Cosmetic treatments will not achieve perfect symmetry, and results differ based on your unique facial structure. The doctors will always attempt to achieve the best aesthetic outcome however no guarantees are offered in relation to the effect of any treatment performed therefore we will not offer refunds for the treatment performed. If any further treatments are required they will incur an additional fee that will be disclosed to the patient prior administration.


Generally speaking, T&C often address these types of issues: Who is allowed to use the website; the possible payment methods; a declaration that the website owner may change his or her offering in the future; the types of warranties the website owner gives his or her customers; a reference to issues of intellectual property or copyrights, where relevant; the website owner’s right to suspend or cancel a member’s account; and much much more. 

To learn more about this, check out our article “Creating a Terms and Conditions Policy”.

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